
Stillsons & Pipe Wrenches

Stillsons Pipe Wrench, Stillson wrench or Stillsons is a simple adjustable wrench made for turning soft iron pipes and fittings with a rounded surface. Provided in a unique design, these Stillsons Pipe Wrenches are perfect to lock into a particular frame with ensuring forward pressure on the handle for a tighter together. These teethed pipe wrenches are perfect to dig into soft pipes to achieve directed results.

If you are planning to buy these Stillson Pipe Wrenches to suit different jobsite requirements, then looking for Audel Power Tools would be apt. At Audel, you can explore these pipe wrenches in the following sizes (by length of handle) –10, 14, 18, 24, 36, and 48 inches – depending upon your jobsite requirement.

Fabricated from cast Iron, Audel is known for providing these pipe wrenches in smaller and larger sizes. At Audel, you can avail these industrial Stillsons Pipe Wrenches with teeth, adjustment rings as well as springs. If you have these supplies or an industrial jaw kit, then you can fix your authentic pipe wrenches at home.

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